Methodology Approaches

Are you making an impact?

At the end of the day, it is the methodology used that controls the research process. Rigorous methods with triangulation based on both quantitative and qualitative approaches that were developed off a solid lit review can guarantee results and can generate impact. Learning is a continuous process.

Our methodology would adhere to the requirements spelt out in the terms of reference. The research will mainly undertake a qualitative methodology, including a thorough desk review of secondary sources, FGDs, KIIs with stakeholders.

The inception report will include the combination of methods to be used in carrying out the assessment. Assessment tools will be developed in English and Arabic. Final reporting will be in English.

Data Collection Stages

 Research team

Given the quantitative and participatory nature of this study
and the context of the research areas, the team structure will reflect a
balance of skills, knowledge and experience in quantitative and participatory
assessment, as well as knowledge and experience in the local targeting
location. The team will be comprised of the following (but not limited to)

  1. Study Manager (One Principal investigator) with assistant.
  2. Four enumerators, two in each city.
  3. One administrative/assistant staff member;
  4. Trainers and supervisors

Training workshop

To ensure quality, training workshop will be conducted with
the enumerators to assure full understanding and application of the study tools
and research methods. The workshop addresses scenarios, expected outcomes, data
collection, archiving, data entry, data cleaning, and quality checks. It also
addresses logistical issues, ethical considerations, human rights,
confidentiality requirements, risks and challenges, scheduling, and deadlines.

Data Collection Activities

Desk review

A detailed desk review of relevant program documents. This will also include review existing documentations along with relevant reports. It will also review of the available literature, reports and research studies on relevant topics.

The information collated through literature review will be compiled and used in developing the inception report and data collection tools.


Given the scope of
the study, a research design with both a quantitative and qualitative focus
will be developed. The participatory methodologies will be utilized to capture data and information on the views and perception of beneficiaries of the project along with relevant stakeholders. The data collection tools employed will include questionnaire survey, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), and data mining from stakeholders as deemed necessary.

The assessment tools will be designed in both languages Arabic and English.

1. Questionnaire survey:

Following to the literature review, a survey data collection tool will be designed to capture needed data. The survey will address consumer demands, market opportunities, and current labor market skill sets based on mutual agreement. The survey can be developed both online and offline.

The methodology will ensure collected data will be appropriate for analysis, trends, and broad representation for assignment purposes. For comprehensive coverage, the sample size for youth will be around 5-20% of beneficiaries (50% male, 50% female). The coverage of young women and men also ensures the data has 90% confidence interval with a 5% margin of error.

2. Key informant interviews (KIIs):

Key informant interviews will be conducted with stakeholders, providers, and community leaders which including government institutions, industry associations, private sector, and other stakeholders. The objective of KIIs is to provide qualitative data for key informants to enrich the data collected, provide triangulations, and inform the findings.

3. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs):

Focus Group Discussion guidelines will be designed aiming at gathering qualitative data on the location surveyed. To complement the quantitative data, a series of FGDs will also be conducted with a reasonable representative sample.

4. Data mining from respective formal institutions:

Data mining will include data analysis of project reports and stakeholders’ relevant information, and other available databases that can inform the study.


Sampling will be discussed with the project team upon inception, the ToR provides a brief overview of the project, but did not help much to understand the targeted population size for sampling strategy. The pilot should be small enough to provide innovative findings at the same time it has to be representative enough to hold statistical power and relevance.

A multi-stage sampling method can be suggested to ensure optimal representation with (male and female) at individual and household HH levels. A stratified sampling method, which divides targeted beneficiaries into homogeneous sub-groups based on gender and type of protection needed, can be also used.  Simple random sampling will then be applied
for each stratum to ensure maximum possible representation of target

Data processing

All interviews will be conducted in Arabic. The detailed notes will be taken during and after the interviews and focus groups. Separate electronic templates will be prepared for surveys, KII and FGD. Data will be collected via pen and paper. Electronic means can be also used such as online surveys, phone interviews, and mobile application data collection tools with GPS.

Data will be transferred from the field. Regular briefing and de-briefing meetings will be held between the lead investigator and the field teams to review and assess key themes and issues.

Technology will be used to accurate save data and assure data protection and security. Sample mobile, online, and offline applications are included in this proposal.

Securing Stakeholder’s involvement

Workshops will be arranged to appeal to stakeholders accompanied by refreshments and facilitators. These sessions will be developed to assure involvements.

Final reporting

The study report will contain the following:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
    1. Background and Rationale of
      the Study
    2. Objectives and Scope of the
    3. Description of Methodology:
      sampling, tools applied, process of data collection, analysis, sources of data,
    4. Limitations of data
      collected and analyzed
  3. Detail Findings of the
  4. Summary of findings
  5. Conclusions
  6. Recommendations
  7. Annexes
  8. Cleaned Data