UNDP Youth Leadership Programme 3: Accelerating Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development

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UNDP Youth Leadership Programme 3: Accelerating Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development

Final Evaluation in Yemen

Yemen YLP3  Background

Yemen YLP3 aims to support and empower young women and men change-makers to design and implement innovative, impactful and sustainable development solutions to solve the crisis issues in Yemen, whether these be social enterprises, nonprofits, NGOs, initiatives, or campaigns for sustainable development.

YLP3 will also support youth in addressing the pressing and critical needs of crisis-affected people in Yemen. It will support active participation of women and youth at the earliest stages of restoration and recovery processes. Greater participation of youth in public and economic spheres contributes to lowering vulnerability to conflict. In addition, the programme will actively engage youth in the resilience-building of communities through the promotion of innovation and equitable development solutions addressing livelihood restoration and socio-economic empowerment work that can translate into longer-term developmental opportunities. In this sense, the programme will contribute to peacebuilding mechanisms by providing opportunities for jobs, facilitating community dialogue and implementing initiatives that enhance equality and inclusion, as well as providing space for youth engagement in resilience building and recovery.

Consultancy Objectives

The objective of this consultancy is to assist UNDP to identify and prepare 20 applicants under the Youth Economic Empowerment Project with a thematic scope in gender equality and women’s empowerment, livelihoods, equality and climate change and energy with two types of innovative solutions for sustainable development /response in the current crisis context in Yemen: start-up enterprises, and prototype innovations using design thinking methodology.

The assignment included the following objectives i) introduce YLP3 to participants; ii) familiarize participants with the current crisis response needs and overall Sustainable Development Goals; iii) have participants gain experience in using various social innovation methodologies, such as human-centered design, business model canvas, lean startup, etc.; iv) have participants share their prototypes, receive initial feedback and develop plan of action that they will work on during the course of YLP3; and v) begin to foster a network of young leaders.

Assignment results included one winning participation in the regional competition.